Life is a challenge. It’s full of unexpected twists and turns than a Tarantino movie. Sometimes it’s impossible to know which way to turn next for all the options ahead of you look equally daunting and the fear of the repercussions having made an unwise decision in the past (so you know the pain of doing so), is overwhelming.
That’s how I’ve been feeling for a little while now and it sucks big time. In some ways I feel like I’m having somewhat of a “mid-life crisis” but I’m hoping I don’t have only 30 years left. But you don’t want to know the details of my dilemmas – what you do want to know is what I baked to remedy it. Life is better with chocolate muffins…
When my bestest friend in the world said a good ol’ catch up was overdue and would I like to come over for pasta my answer was “yes please – I’ll bring the chocolate!”. It’s been a couple of weeks so we were desperate for a “moan/giggle” session and what we need to fuel it turned out to be tomato bruschetta, vegetable pasta bake, two bottles of delicious red wine and these little babies:
These crenulated beauties are a labour of love – you will need to make a chocolate custard to start with which forms the base of the batter. The price you pay for delivering the most luscious, dark, moist, not too sweet and perfect with vanilla ice cream, is needing to get out a pot and probably two or three more bowls, depending on how you like to prep up your baking.
20 short minutes later and the smell of baking chocolate will wrap you up, soothe away the stresses of the day (*life*) and only be bettered by the taste of a freshly baked, still warm from the oven, magical muffin…
You can just imagine a scoop of good quality vanilla ice cream melting like a snow-capped mountain range can’t you? *Note to self – get on one’s bike, cycle to Delifonseca, buy Cheshire Farm vanilla ice cream, peddle home quick, warm a muffin up and relive some of last night’s chocolatey soul salvation!*
Now, this morning, my world is literally full of sunshine, streaming through my spare room window, warming my shoulders but also, I feel lighter, metaphorically speaking. Of course not in the calorie sense of the word lighter lol! But an evening of good food, wine and an even better girlfriend with some mutual soul purging has left me feeling hopeful that I can find the thing that is missing from my life and move forward.
Moo, thank you for listening when I know you too have your own mountains to climb – I love you lots. Here’s to a life filled with laughter, love and most importantly, these chocolate custard muffins 🙂
Wow! I feel like I have read War and Peace in 5 minutes! What a rollercoaster of emotions accompanied by great photos of metaphorical soothing through food! This is comfort reading at its best! Glad these Custard Muffins by Dan Lepard found their way home to you Jodie! Love your style of Blog!
Sam xx
Thank you Sam, am really glad you like it. I doubt this is the last time you feature as recipe-finder-extraordinaire in here though! Might end up having to pay you royalties 😉
Why why why haven’t I made these muffins still?………….
Just do it Terri! They do take some organisation before hand and like I said, are bowl-heavy but the rewards as so worth it 🙂
These are simply the best muffins ever, can render a three year old silent for a good ten minutes. The groans of delight from adults are a whole lot less quiet!!! This recipe’s magic in it’s unusualness and rich deep flavour without having a pound of chocolate in it!!
Great post and fabulous pics, i’ve left it far too long to make these again.
I am also a big fan of these Chocolate Custard Muffins. I think they are really lovely served warm for dessert, but taste just as fabulous cold the next day. As Julia mentioned, I’ve also left it far too long to make these again! Must rectify that situation soon!
A good girlie chat session can do wonders to help lighten the load. I hope you will have some clarity soon. Just remember that nothing is set in stone – whatever decision you make, you can still change your mind later 🙂 Am here if you ever need a chat also 🙂
Aw do you remember when this recipe went viral on Creme? I remember you posting your beautiful photograph of the muffins so clearly, you know how some posts just stick with you? It’s a genius recipe – kind of like a brownie in muffin form. I must admit, it was after seeing your post about the totally chocolate chocolate chip cookies (which would have been perfect for last night also 😉 ) that I knew I had to make and blog these muffins again. And thank you so much for the offer to chat, it’s very gratefully received xxx
Indeed I do remember those days at fondly 🙂 Sam has a way of finding fantastic recipes and her enthusiasm is often infectious, so it’s hard not to try whatever it is that she recommends! I have to say that every one her recommendations has worked out beautifully for me (probably confirming our similar tastes in food!), but there is still one more to go … the Epic cake …
Me too Creme! I’ve never made that either! Perhaps we should get Carrie to make it too and we’ll all do a combined Epic Cake Blog Post! Ooo!
Hey, that’s a great idea!!! We all have different writing styles, photography, etc. that it will be the most comprehensive review of Sam’s recipe. I think it’s brilliant! I’ll message Carrie and see what she thinks 🙂
Brilliant! We so need to make this happen 🙂
It’s amazing what a good friend, wine and chocolate can do to lift the spirits! I love these muffins and all this talk about them here and on FB has me craving them…I think I know what I’m making this afternoon! x
Sam is listening, giving you all a HUGE hugg and Early Bird Cookies have been made, packaged and sold and Little Princess has an enveleoppe full of money to give the Children Cancer Center and is mighty proud! I am most proud to have her think of a project ad follow it through! You girls are ALL an inspiration! A simultaneous review of the same recipe would be indeed VERY interesting! PLUS, I have good news: Marlene Matar has restarted giving Cooking Lessons and you should see what is on offer: A Benghladeshi fish and a luscious orange cake to start with…..Love you girls, you are all soooo lovely! S xx
Oops, I meant Eat Little Bird, NOT Early Bird!!!….long day…..
Oh wow! How did the cookies turn out? Sounds like the fundraising was a success! Tx